Coronavirus Resources District information pertaining to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Accessibility Progress


This is a list of the accessibility items from our Accessibility Plan that have been completed.


An initial assessment of district and college websites was conducted against accessibility requirements as outlined in Section 508. It was determined that the websites needed to be completely redesigned to meet current web standards and requirements.


  • A Request for Proposal (RFP) was provided to a number of leading firms to redesign the District and college websites and provide a Content Management System (CMS) solution. Meeting current web standards and accessibility requirements was a major driving requirement for the redesign project.
  • A Website Workgroup was formed to assess various website proposals and to select the best one to meet the districts needs. Hannon Hill was selected as the primary vendor to provide the district with a Content Management System. Hannon Hill sub contracted with Articulate Solutions to provide a website design to meet current accessibility requirements as defined in Section 508 as well as meeting WCAG 2.0 AA.


  • District web development team created an inventory spreadsheet of all documents published to the public web servers. This inventory was made available to department managers across the district to assess status and priority level for each document. Documents deemed high priority would be remediated for accessibility first.
  • District web development team attended web accessibility training conducted by WebAim located at Utah State University.
  • A number of accessibility training sessions were conducted at the district campuses for staff that included instruction on how to create accessible documents. Staff training was conducted by the California Community Colleges High Tech Center Training Unit.
  • District web development team created an inventory spreadsheet of all documents published to the public web servers. This inventory was made available to department managers across the district to assess status and priority level for each document. Documents deemed high priority would be remediated for accessibility first.


  • An accessibility resources page was developed that includes a number of resources for staff. Resources include guides for creating accessible Word and Adobe documents and free training resources for learning accessibility.
  • 2018 - Staff training was conducted by the California Community Colleges High Tech Center Training Unit.
  • Purchase scanning software to further improve the accessibility of District websites. Previously, the District web development team used a variety of free tools for testing accessibility that proved to be cumbersome and inefficient. This software allows the District web development team to locate and correct accessibility issues more quickly.
  • Provided closed captioning for videos.


  • Migrated the Measure C website using the Districts new Content Management System to meet current web standards. The site is responsive so that it will work on any device and shall meet WCAG 2.0 AA and Section 508 standards.
  • Staff training was conducted by the California Community College Accessibility Center.
  • Migrated the Healthy Preschoolers website using the Districts new Content Management System to meet current web standards. The site is responsive so that it will work on any device and shall meet WCAG 2.0 AA and Section 508 standards.
  • Conducted an accessibility awareness survey to determine future training needs for the District.


  • Established a complaint process procedure and received approval throughout the district. Published to the district and campus websites.
  • Canvas modules are made available for staff to take accessibility courses at their own pace for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Canvas.
  • Updated resource links pertaining to accessibility.
  • Purchased subscription to DubBot accessibility software to identify accessibility issues.


  • Moved self-paced training resources into Canvas that staff.
  • Migrated the Measure E website using the Districts new Content Management System to meet current web standards. The site shall be responsive so that it will work on any device and shall meet WCAG 2.0 AA and Section 508 standards. This project is in process and is now 100% complete.
  • Reviewing our online registration and forms to ensure accessibility on each campus, as well as, a process to review forms annually.
  • Redesign the District Police Department website using the Districts new Content Management System to meet current web standards. The site shall be redesigned to be responsive so that it will work on any device and shall meet WCAG 2.0 AA and Section 508 standards.