group of employee around table with laptops

Business Office

The State Center Community College District (SCCCD) Finance Department staff provides fiscal, financial, and accounting related services. These centralized activities include: accounts payable, accounts receivable, accounting, budgeting, and payroll. For district employees that would like access to online accounting forms/procedures, please visit the Employee Resource Hub.

Business & Finance Directory

District Audit Reports

District Budget

One of the most significant responsibilities of a community college district is the preparation and presentation of the annual budget. A district's budget serves a report to its constituents regarding the utilization of available tax dollars and other funding sources and as a resource allocation document to support the district's planning goals and priorities for the ensuing school year. SCCCD administration is confident the budget reflects the effective utilization of financial resources to meet the educational goals of the district.

Final Budget

Budget Presentations / Information

Actuarial Studies

Proposition 30 - Education Protection Account