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Mission Statement

The purpose of State Center Community College District's Purchasing Department is to ensure that all conduct, in reference to the procurement of goods and services, is in accordance with the procedures set forth by the Board of Trustees, the California Public Contract Code, the California Education Code and other applicable laws of the State of California. We also ensure that in any purchase transaction, the requirements for competition have been met, bidding and negotiation have been conducted in accordance with applicable policies, and no conduct of compromise to the public trust is present. The Purchasing Department has the responsibility to assist District personnel in identifying, selecting, and acquiring supplies, equipment, and services necessary for the successful operation of the District. The department is organized to serve and facilitate the objectives of the District; to make procurement commitments in a consistent and orderly fashion; to maintain accurate and detailed records regarding purchasing; and, to foster a high standard of business relations with the departments we support as well as our vendors and the general public. The Purchasing Department is accountable to conduct the purchasing function in a manner which results in the most efficient, economical, and effective use of District funds. As a service department, our goal is to develop and maintain an excellent working relationship through the role of liaison between our employee’s district-wide and the vendor community. The Purchasing Department is ardent to ensure that all procurement transactions are conducted in a legal, ethical, and professional manner. It is our intention to encourage local and disadvantaged business enterprises to participate in our procurement processes while ensuring all vendors have the opportunity to compete for our business on an equal basis.

The Purchasing Department’s mission is dedicated to providing effective means to procure required goods and services for the District in a timely and efficient manner that creates maximum value, in accordance with established guidelines.


Teresa Campagna Bryant

District Director of Procurement and Contracts