Master Planning

If you require an accommodation for any of the content on this page, please contact Kiesha Oliver at (559) 243-7182.
State Center 2035
This integrated plan aligns District Services and all State Center Colleges, leveraging a shared mission, vision, and values as our foundation for success.
2020-2024 Strategic Plan
The 2020-2024 Strategic Plan is the result of a transparent process that evolved from comprehensive planning sessions involving the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, administrators and community members. The purpose of the State Center Community College District Strategic Plan is to provide direction to the overall organization, which each college can then use to develop its own unique strategic plan.
2026-2030 Five-Year Construction Plan
Each year districts are required to submit a Five-Year Construction Plan that lists all its proposed capital construction projects, which includes both state funded and locally funded projects. This year, the CCCCO is requiring community college districts to submit their Five Year Construction Plan no later than August 1, 2024.
2019-2024 Districtwide Technology Plan
The purpose of the Districtwide Technology Plan 2019-2024 is to describe the technology themes, goals and initiatives that State Center Community College District (SCCCD) will work collectively across the District to achieve in order to deliver on its mission, vision, core values and goals.
2019-2030 Facilities Master Plan
The Facilities Master Plan provides a 'blueprint' for the placement of future facilities, removal of existing facilities, the renovation of existing facilities, and various site improvements throughout the District.
2024-2029 Five-Year Scheduled Maintenance Plan
District Operations is committed to providing quality maintenance to all locations of the State Center Community College District.