Educational Services & Institutional Effectiveness
The Office of the Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness is responsible for the following district wide activities:
Coordinate the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of academic and vocational education programs for the District. The Vice Chancellor works closely with the campus curriculum committees in the development and revision of individual courses and programs, and facilitates the districtwide Educational Coordinating and Planning Committee, which reviews and discusses the implication of the curriculum being presented prior to submitting the curriculum proposals to the Board of Trustees for approval. Another vital element involving curriculum is to continuously monitor and update the districtwide common course list and articulated course list.
Workforce Development
Provide leadership and support for District occupational and workforce preparation programs and K-university partnerships. Serve as a liaison with the business community.
Center of Excellence
Provide current labor market data to our 15 colleges throughout our Central Valley Motherlode Consortium, to address current and future workforce and improve our local economy and educational opportunities.
Strategic Planning
Provide leadership and facilitate development of a district strategic plan (pdf), oversee implementation and monitor progress in meeting its goals. Please see the master planning page, which discusses SCCCD's Vision 2035 plan
Oversee the activities and services of the Grants Office, including information about grant opportunities, guidance for grant proposal writing, monitoring of technical requirements and grant writing workshops.
Instructional Calendars
Develop instructional calendars to facilitate appropriate funding for the scheduling of courses and development of catalogs.
- 2028-2029 Instructional Calendar (PDF)
- 2027-2028 Instructional Calendar (PDF)
- 2026-2027 Instructional Calendar (PDF)
- 2025-2026 Instructional Calendar (PDF)
- 2024-2025 Instructional Calendar (PDF)
- 2023-2024 Instructional Calendar (PDF)
- 2022-2023 Instructional Calendar (PDF)
- 2021-2022 Instructional Calendar (PDF)
- 2020-2021 Instructional Calendar (PDF)
Perkins Career & Technical Education Act Funding
Oversee the allocation of federal Carl Perkins Act funds, grant implementation, and reporting.
Office of Educational Services & Institutional Effectiveness:
Dr. Robert Frost
Vice Chancellor, Educational Services & Institutional Effectiveness
(559) 243-7261
Tressa Overstreet
Associate Vice Chancellor, Educational Services & Institutional Effectiveness
(559) 243-7261
Nicole Page
Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor
(559) 243-7262
Nickolas Trujillo
Interim District Dean of Workforce and Adult Education
(559) 243-7511
Administrative Assistant to Interim District Dean of Workforce and Adult Education
(559) 243-7519
Maribel Viveros
Executive Director, Research and Institutional Effectiveness
(559) 243-7521
Patricia Salinas
Interim District Director, Center of Excellence
(559) 243-7273
Robin Torres
District Director, Enrollment Management
(559) 243-7302
Veronica Fisher
District Enrollment Management Manager
(559) 243-7301
Frank Nunez
District Director, Trade and Training
(559) 243-7281