magnifying class set on top of graphs

Data Dashboards

3D graph on laptop

Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) Comparison

The adoption of the Student-Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) in the 2018-2019 state budget introduced a novel approach to distributing funds to community college districts. Explore the SCFF dashboards below for comprehensive data on funding supporting enrollment, equity, and student success. Track funding growth or decline attributed to SCFF and launch dashboard below.

Analysis and Counts of Patterns across SCFF Dashboard

paper graphs and data

Student Success Metrics Dashboard

The student success metrics provide critical milestones and accomplishments that align with the vision for success and student-centered funding formula.


student watching class on computer

Dual Enrollment

The central valley data hub for dual enrollment and related metrics are contained in these dashboards.

Dual Enrollment

college student smiling

Transfer Velocity

The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office provides information on the transfer velocity of students. Transfer velocity is a six-year transfer rate derived from the CCCO transfer cohort project.

Transfer Rates