Distance Education

The District supports student access to quality distance education through Clovis College, Fresno City College, Madera College, and Reedley College. We are committed to the support of distance education modalities that allow students flexibility, easier access, and a reduced overall cost.

We are proud to have become a teaching college of the California Virtual College (CVC/OEI) as of January of 2023.   

The California Virtual Campus (CVC) is a collaborative effort among California Community Colleges (CCCs) to ensure that significantly more students are able to complete their educational goals by increasing both access to and success in high-quality online courses.

Click one of the links below for further information about CVC/OEI, courses available, and how it all works.

If you need assistance regarding pre-requisites, enrollment, paying your fees, or fee refunds, visit the appropriate link below.

Paying your fees or requesting a fee refund:  

Campus links

Clovis College: CVC-OEI at Clovis Community College

Fresno City College: CVC-OEI at Fresno City

Madera College: CVC-OEI at Madera College

Reedley College: CVC-OEI at Reedley College