Building Lighting Schedule & Images

Month What Colors Image
January New Years White & Light Blue
February American Heart Month Red
February Black/African American History Month Black, Red, Yellow, & Green
March Women's History Month Purple, Green, & White
April Remembrance of Armenian Genocide Blue, Orange, & Red
May Asian Heritage Month Red & Yellow
May Jewish Heritage Month Blue
May Mental Health Awareness Month Green
June Pride Month Rainbow Fulton Office with rainbow light
July 4th of July Red, White, & Blue Fulton Office with red white and blue light
August Women's Equality Day Purple
August National Black Business Month Yellow, Red, Green, & Black
September Hispanic/LatinX Heritage Month Orange, Red, Yellow, & Green
September Suicide Prevention Month Yellow, Turquoise, & Purple Fulton Office  with yellow, turquoise, and purple lights
October Filipino American History Month Red, Blue, Yellow, & White Fulton Office with red, blue, yellow, and white lights
October Breast Cancer Awareness Month Pink
October Infant and Pregnancy Loss Pink & Blue
November Native American Heritage Month Red
November National Injury Prevention Day Green
December Universal Human Rights Day Blue & Orange