About Measure E
In November 2002 voters passed Measure E, a $161 million bond measure for the District. The District received $20 million from the initial bond sale in the summer of 2003. The initial issuance was followed by a second issuance of $25 million during the summer of 2004. The District had a third bond issuance of $66 million during the summer of 2007. During the summer of 2009, the district had its most recent bond issuance of $20 million. To date, $131 million of bonds have been issued.
This section contains information about:
- Tax Rate Statement Concerning Measure E
Tax Rate Statement Regarding Proposed $161,000,000 State Center Community College District General Obligation Bonds Measure E - Ballot Language
Full Text Ballot Proposition Of The State Center Community College District Bond Measure Election November 5, 2002 - Financial Information
Quarterly Audit Reports and Annual Performance Reports