Environmental Health & Safety
Vice Chancellor of Operations:Christine Miktarian
District Director, Environmental Health & Risk Management: Darren Cousineau, MPH, REHS
District Environmental Health & Risk Management Officer: Elizabeth Tucker, MPA, CSP, REHS
Phone #: 559-243-7251
State Center Community College District (SCCCD) is committed to providing a safe and healthful work and educational environment. To that end, SCCCD will:
- establish policies and programs designed to protect the health and safety of faculty, staff, and students
- provide safe workplaces - academic, and administrative - for faculty, staff, and students
- provide information to faculty, staff, and students about health and safety hazards
- identify and correct health and safety hazards and encourage faculty, staff, and students to report hazards
- provide information and safeguards for those on campus regarding hazards arising from operations at SCCCD
Through the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of environmental factors or stressors, the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS) works to assure a safe and healthful campus environment for our employees, students, and visitors. DEHS is responsible for developing and implementing programs to ensure compliance with applicable local, state and federal health, safety and environmental regulations and requirements.
DEHS administers or provides support for:
- Injury Illness and Prevention and Laboratory Safety
- Hazardous Materials Management and Bloodborne Pathogen Control
- Hazardous Waste and Bio-hazardous waste Management
- Environmental Permitting, and
- Emergency Preparedness
To report an unsafe condition, please email DEHS@SCCCD.edu