Maintenance Department

Vice Chancellor of Operations: Christine Miktarian
District Director of Maintenance & Transportation: Johnathan Kepler
Phone #: 559-243-7200

Purpose and Mission

The Mission of the State Center Community College District Maintenance Services Department is to provide support services to the district and campuses in order to provide safe, well maintained facilities that provide outstanding learning and work environments. The Operations Department assists in the overall mission of the district by maintaining district facilities in a manner that enhances a positive working and learning environment which encourages student success.

The Goal of the Maintenance Services Department is to provide systematic, ongoing, routine maintenance, corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, and emergency maintenance services in a manner that is well prioritized and cost effective.

  • Establish procedures designed to maintain a safe, healthy, comfortable work environment for students, staff, and the public
  • Identify and repair equipment and facilities that are unsafe or non-operational and make repairs to correct these defects
  • Perform preventive maintenance on equipment in order to maintain the equipment in an operational manner
  • Provide emergency response and repair of equipment and facilities in order to maintain the campus in an operational manner
  • Provide an environment for the maintenance services staff that enhances their performance and encourages them to provide maintenance services in a safe and effective manner
  • Provide and maintain a computerized maintenance service request system (Schooldude) that allows administrators and staff the opportunity to submit requests for service in order to respond to general and safety related maintenance concerns