Police Department

Vice Chancellor, Operations: Christine Miktarian
Police Chief: Jose Flores
Phone #: (559) 244-6140
Emergency #: (559) 244-5911

Chief Jose Flores

State Center Community College Police Department Website

Active Shooter, Windows Media Player Video Downloads:

Purpose and Mission

The purpose of the State Center Community College District Police Department’s (SCCCDPD) is to safeguard the districts assets, students, faculty, and classified personnel. SCCCDPD officers are duly sworn peace officers under Section 830.32(a) of the California Penal Code. The department's fifteen officers are armed and have the same authority under the law as municipal police officers. District police officers patrol the campuses 24/7. They enforce applicable local, state, and federal laws; arrest violators; investigate and suppress crime; investigate traffic and bicycle accidents; and provide a full range of police-related services, including immediate response to medical and fire emergencies. The communication center operates twenty-four hours a day. The department also employs District Service Officers who are uniformed unarmed students who act as security officers and student Parking Control Officers to enforce parking regulations, neither of these has police powers. Crime prevention and apprehension of those who commit crimes are the department's primary goals. To achieve these goals, the Police Department works closely with agencies with jurisdiction where we have facilities. We do this through Memorandums of Understanding with each agency.

The mission of the State Center Community College District Police Department is to provide comprehensive law enforcement services that enhance the educational mission of the District and the colleges we serve. We are committed to the protection of life and property, the prevention and detection of crime, the enrichment of the quality of life, and embracing the principles of “Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving.” The SCCCDPD will work collaboratively with academic and administrative units, individuals, and organizations. Through these partnerships, we will preserve a learning environment that supports academic freedom, respect for diversity, fair and equal treatment to all, and an open exchange of ideas. The SCCCDPD is committed to being a sensitive, caring, and impartial policing organization dedicated to the highest level of professionalism and integrity, by:

  • Reporting crimes and emergencies, non-urgent crime reports, confidential crime reports, and reporting hate crimes
  • Emergency Notification, Emergency Procedures, 1st 2Know, Crime Alert Bulletins
  • Procedures for handling sexual assault cases, including: reporting the assault, seeking medical attention/preserving evidence, support, assistance, resources and referrals
  • Reporting suspected misconduct by students, student organizations, staff or faculty
  • Obtaining public information regarding sex offenders and registration of PC 290 registrants
  • Keeping the campus safe: safety precautions, general safety, personal safety precautions, safety on campus, safety in a car, access to and maintenance of campus buildings and grounds, walking and biking on campus, and enforcing that no weapons are on campus
  • Develop and update notification, education, and prevention services through collaboration with district environmental health and safety, campus health services, and psychological services.
  • Collection of statistics for campus security report;
  • Substance abuse: policy, sanctions, & laws through establishing district policy and sanctions in conjunction with federal, state, and local laws and penalties
  • The prevention, education, resources, and assistance for substance abuse