Classified Professional Steering Committee Members

Classified Professionals Steering Committee

The Classified Professionals Steering Committee is dedicated to giving Management and Classified Professionals of the State Center Community College District professional and personal growth opportunities. The Committee is responsible for Achievement Recognition, Classified Professional of the Year, Leadership State Center Academy, and coordination of the annual Mega Conference.


Mission and Vision

Developing World Class Leaders - The Classified Professionals Steering Committee cultivates effective leaders and fosters individual leadership skills through participation on the committee which strengthens the State Center Community College District. The Committee's mission is to empower classified employees through the implementation of programs which provide professional, educational and personal growth while simultaneously supporting the District's Strategic Plan.

Steering Committee Membership and Committee Work


The State Center Community College District Classified Professionals Steering Committee works tremendously hard year-round to provide amazing professional development opportunities to all District Classified Professionals. During the spring, the committee offers a full-day of professional development at the Annual Mega Conference, which includes incredible keynote speakers, a vendor fair, breakout sessions, achievement recognition awards, and the presentation of the Classified Professional of the Year award.

