Faculty/Staff Discount Offerings
Adobe Creative Cloud
$39.99 for 6 month subscription at CollegeBuys.org.
Apple Store website for educators
AT&T Wireless
17% Discount specific charges and other fees waived at AT&T Website for SCCCD.
California Connects Mobile Internet
$19.99 per month plus unit cost at the Foundation for California Community Colleges Website.
Powered by the Foundation for California Community Colleges, offers discounts of up to 85% on a wide range of software and educational products.
Journey Ed
Use the link below for student and employee discounts:
Lenovo EnterprisePro Website for SCCCD
Microsoft Home Use Program
To download and install Microsoft Office 365 on up to 5 devices for personal use:
- Go to www.office.com
- Login with your SCCCD login and password.
- Click "Install Office" to download and install applications on your device.
Verizon Wireless Government Employee Program
Sign up for the 15% monthly discount for your personal line on-line at www.verizonwireless.com/discount-program.
By entering your work e-mail address, and register your account via the e-mail you receive from Verizon Wireless and then Shop on-line to receive Govt. pricing on phones when eligible and 25% discount on accessories.