Sexual Assault Victim information

Sexual assault includes, but is not limited to, rape, forced sodomy, forced oral copulation, rape by a foreign object, sexual battery, threat of sexual assault and conduct that threatens the health and safety of another person.

For the purpose of this procedure, victim refers to any student, employee and/or visitor who experiences sexual assault as defined above on District owned or maintained property and/or while participating in a District sponsored or supervised event.

If you have been the victim of a sexual assault, your cooperation will be requested by the District Police.

You may be asked:

  1. Detailed questions about the crime by the officer and medical personal;
  2. To allow a health care worker to collect physical evidence from you (Note: It is important NOT to shower before a medical exam can be conducted).

If you are going to the hospital for a sexual assault examination, the officer must contact a Rape Counseling Service (RCS) advocate to provide support for you during the examination process unless you request the RCS not be notified.

Sexual assault by a person known to you, including your spouse, is a crime and will be investigated.

The reporting officer will write a report that may be assigned for follow-up investigation.

Victims of Crime Program

If you are a victim, you may qualify for reimbursement from the Victims of Crime Program for out-of-pocket wages, medical and/or funeral burial expenses, which you have incurred as a result of a crime. Applications are available at: Probation Department Victim/Witness Services, 2233 Kern Street, Fresno, CA 93721 Or call 559-488-3425.

Who to Contact for Further Assistance:

  • Rape Counseling Service of Fresno, Inc.
    Provides 24-hour crisis line, therapeutic counseling, and court advocacy, information and referrals for children and adults.
    259 N. Blackstone, Fresno, CA 937010
    24-Hour Hotline: (559) 222-RAPE (7273)
    Office: 497-2900
    Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8AM-5PM
  • Victim/Witness Assistance Center
    Provides court advocacy, counseling referrals, emergency aide, and applications for Victims of Crime compensation funds.
    2233 Kern Street, Fresno, CA 92721
    Office: (559) 488-3425
    Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8AM-5PM
  • Majaree Mason Center
    Provides 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, court advocacy, counseling for adults and children and support groups.
    1600 “M” Street, Fresno, CA 93721
    24-Hour Hotline: (559) 233-HELP (4357)
    Office: (559) 237-4706
    Office Hours: Mon.-Thru. 8AM-7PM, Fri. 8AM-5PM
  • Carmen Meza Center
    Provides 24-hour crisis line, therapeutic counseling, and court advocacy, information and referrals for children and adults.
    838 “O” Street, Firebaugh, CA 93622
    24-Hour Hotline: (559) 222-RAPE (7273)
    Office: (559) 659-0232
    Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8AM-5PM
  • University Medical Center – Children’s Health Center Child Sexual Abuse Evaluation Program
    Provides medical services for child victims of sexual abuse.

    4460 East Huntington Boulevard, Fresno, CA 93702
    Office: (559) 459-4300 – call for appointment
    Clinic Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8AM-4PM
  • VINE – Victim Information and Notification Everyday
    Allows you to check on an offender’s custody status and register to receive automatic notification when an inmate is released from the Fresno County jail system.
    24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-491-5170