Short Message Service (SMS)

This page contains information on how to subscribe, unsubscribe, and other general information in regards to electronic communications via private cell phone text messages and/or private email.

District Procedure

The State Center Community College District (SCCCD) automatically enrolls all current students, active employees, and active instructors into the 1st2know Emergency Alert Notifications via SMS text or email for campus safety. All other electronic notifications are completely optional and require subscribing into such services using the My Portal Communication Preferences form. Please see the District Procedure page for a complete explanation.

Students are required to enter either a primary cell phone number or email address to receive emergency notifications and to use the self-service password reset tool. Students are not required to enter both and the secondary cell phone number is optional. The secondary cell phone number should be different from the primary cell phone number and is used for providing emergency communications to a loved one (i.e.: parent, spouse, etc).

Please follow the directions below to specify a private cell phone number or email address that SCCCD shall use for electronic communications:

  1. Navigate to My Portal by clicking on the link located at the top of the District or any college campus website.
  2. Log into the portal using your username and password.
  3. After successfully logging into the portal:
    • If this is your first time logging into the portal, or you have not submitted any Communication Preferences in the past, you will see a popup dialog as follows:
      Preferences Dialog
      Click on the "ok" button to open the Communication Preferences form.
    • If you have previously submitted Communication Preferences in the past, you can make changes by selecting Communication Preferences from your profile name located at the top right hand side of the portal screen as follows:
      Profile Menu
  4. The Communications Preferences panel will display as follows:
    Communication Preferences Form
    The Primary Cell Number and Personal Email Address are used for all electronic communications and for self-service password resets.
    • Students are required to enter either a personal Primary Cell Number or Personal Email Address. Both are not required.
    • Employees are not required to enter any contact information and can submit a blank form. Keep in mind that doing so will opt such employees out of all notifications (including emergencies) and from being able to use the self-service password reset tool.
    • The Secondary Cell Number is completely optional and should be a different number from the Primary Cell Number. The purpose of the Secondary Cell Number is to keep a loved one notified of any emergencies happening on campus. This Secondary Cell Number is only checked for formatting and is not validated via a text message code, so emergency notifications to the Secondary Cell Numbers will fail if entered improperly.
  5. Click on the Submit button after entering your desired communication cell numbers or email address:
    • If you entered a primary cell number and also a personal email address the following will display:
      Cell and email submit message
      Locate the email with subject "SCCCD Email Verification" in your mailbox and click on the provided hyperlink to verify you have access to the email address. Second, locate the text message on your cell phone and enter the provided code into the Validation Code field and click on the Submit button.
    • If you entered a primary cell number only the following will display:
      Cell phone submission message

      Locate the text message on your cell phone and enter the provided code into the Validation Code field and click on the Submit button.

    • If you entered a personal email address only the following will display:
      Email submission message
      Locate the email with subject "SCCCD Email Verification" in your mailbox and click on the provided hyperlink to verify you have access to the email address.
  6. You will see the following signifying that the process is complete:
    • After entering the cell phone validation code:
      Cell Phone Number Validation Success
    • After clicking on the email address validation provided link:
      Email Address Validation Success

This section uses the 1st2know Emergency Alert Notifications channel as an example on how to subscribe to a channel. Please note that current students, active employees, and active instructors are automatically enrolled into the 1st2know channel for campus safety. Please see the District Procedure for details.

  1. Navigate to My Portal by clicking on the link located at the top of the District or any college campus website.
  2. Log into the portal using your username and password.
  3. Click on Communication Preferences from your profile name located at the top right hand side of the portal screen as follows:
    Communication Preferences profile link
  4. Scroll down to the My Subscriptions section and select Yes and then checkmark all locations you are interested in receiving notifications:
    Subcribing to the 1st2know Emergency Alert Notifications channel
    The example image above indicates that the user would like to receive 1st2know Emergency Alert Notifications for Fresno City College, Reedley College, and Clovis Community College. The user would not receive 1st2know Emergency Alert Notifications for any of the locations that have no checkmark.
  5. Click on the Submit button.
    Records have been updated message

InformationCurrent students, active employees, and active instructors are automatically enrolled into the 1st2know channel and the form will appear as follows:

Auto subscribed to 1st2know channel

This section uses the 1st2know Emergency Alert Notifications channel as an example on how to unsubscribe from a channel. Please note that current students, active employees, and active instructors are automatically enrolled into the 1st2know channel for campus safety. Please see the District Procedure for details.

  1. Navigate to My Portal by clicking on the link located at the top of the District or any college campus website.
  2. Log into the portal using your username and password.
  3. Click on Communication Preferences from your profile name located at the top right hand side of the portal screen as follows:
    Communication Preferences profile link
  4. Scroll down to the My Subscriptions section and locate the channel that you want to unsubscribe. If you want to stop receiving channel notifications completely then select No. If you want to unsubscribe from receiving notifications from a certain location only then uncheck the checkbox next to the location you do not want.
    Unsubscribe from 1st2know channel
    The example image above indicates that the user does not want to receive 1st2know Emergency Alert Notifications.
  5. Click on the Submit button.
    Records have been updated message

InformationCurrent students, active employees, and active instructors are automatically enrolled into the 1st2know channel and the form will appear as follows:

Auto subscribed to 1st2know channel

There are a few things that can be checked if you are not receiving emails:

  1. Check to make sure that your email address is correct in MyPortal:
    1. Navigate to My Portal by clicking on the link located at the top of the District or any college campus website.
    2. Log into the portal using your username and password.
    3. Click on Communication Preferences from your profile name located at the top right hand side of the portal screen as follows:
      Communication Preferences profile link
    4. Ensure that the address listed in the Personal Email Address field is correct and that there are no typing mistakes.
  2. Check to make sure that your email address has been validated in MyPortal.
    1. First, follow the steps above to verify that your email address was entered correctly.
    2. Click on the Dashboard tab link and check if the following banner is displayed:
      Veryify Email Address Banner
      If you see the above banner at the top of the page then your email address has not been validated. Click on the resend the verification link. Locate the email titled "SCCCD Email Verification" in your inbox and click on the provided link to verify that you are the owner of the email address.
      If you do not see the above banner then your email has already been validated.
  3. Check your spam folder for blocked emails from the domain. Make sure to set your email editor to allow all emails from

There are a few things that can be checked if you are not receiving text messages:

  1. Check to make sure that your primary cell number is correct in My Portal:
    1. Navigate to My Portal by clicking on the link located at the top of the District or any college campus website.
    2. Log into the portal using your username and password.
    3. Click on Communication Preferences from your profile name located at the top right hand side of the portal screen as follows:
      Communication Preferences profile link
    4. Ensure that the phone number listed in the Primary Cell Number field is correct and that there are no typing mistakes. Also, ensure that the number entered is capable of receiving text messages.
  2. Check to make sure that your primary cell number has been validated in My Portal.
    1. First, follow the steps above to verify that your primary cell number was entered correctly.
    2. Click on the Dashboard tab link and check if the following banner is displayed:
      Verify mobile phone number banner
      If you see the above banner at the top of the page then your primary cell number has not been validated. Click on the resend the verification code. You will receive a text message on your cell phone from SCCCD containing a 6-digit code that you must enter into the following Validation Code field:
      Validate SMS Form
      Click on the Submit button to complete the validation process.
  3. If you replied the word "STOP" to any of the SCCCD Notification service numbers, you will need to text "START" to the same service phone number to resume future text message communications with service.

Students should contact the Student Systems Support Call Center (Help Desk):

Phone: 1 844-887-2223
Available: 24/7
Website: Online Support Center

Staff & Faculty should contact their local campus helpdesk for assistance:

Fresno City College Logo

Fresno City College

Phone: (559) 443-8670 or extension 8670

Reedley College Logo

Reedley College

Phone: (559) 301-4005 or extension 3261

Clovis Community College Logo

Clovis Community College

Phone: (559) 325-5275 or extension 5275

Madera Community College Center Logo

Madera Community College Center

Phone: x4870

Oakhurst Community College Center Logo

Oakhurst Community College Center

Phone: x4870


District Office

Phone: (559) 243-7330

* The District office provides help with WebAdvisor, Colleague (Datatel), and Email