Trump Administration Changes to DACA Program

Sep 7, 2017

Attorney General Sessions announced that the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program will be ending in six months. It is up to Congress to enact a new law to address this issue. Although new applications for legal status will no longer be considered, DACA recipients with a permit that will expire before March 5, 2018, may apply for a two-year renewal. The deadline to submit this renewal is October 5, 2017.

State Center Community College District Chancellor, Dr. Paul Parnell participated in a Press Conference with several local higher education leaders this morning to express their disappointment in the DACA decision.

Dr. Parnell had this to say, “State Center Community College District understands the importance of the DACA program.  We have witnessed its success with those who have proudly served in the U.S. military and those who have graduated from college and are contributing to our economy as well as enriching our communities.

The California Community Colleges are committed to serving all students regardless of immigration status. At State Center Community College District we stand behind our mission to provide safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environments for all students including our more than 1,200 DACA students. We will actively advocate Congress to find a permanent resolution to this issue.”

Attached is legal information on how this decision may impact DACA students.

State Chancellor's Memo