Chancellor Announces Retirement

Dec 15, 2020

It has been my privilege to serve as the Chancellor of State Center Community College District for the past 5 years. I want to thank all of you for partnering with me and entrusting me with the leadership of this District. We have exceeded the lofty goals we set for our students, District, and Communities during my tenure. So, it is with the knowledge that I am leaving the District in a better place than it was when I started and after more than 34 years in education, I have decided it is time to retire. My last day with the District will be July 6, 2021. The search for the new SCCCD chancellor will begin in January.

It has been my pleasure to see such tremendous success for all of our 68,000 students. It has been possible, as a result of a dedicated group of faculty, staff, and managers with great support from our communities, to change the lives of our students for good citizenship, needed careers and prosperity in our community through Excellence in Education. I feel blessed by God to have served and been a leader during this golden era and I look forward to assisting over the next six months in the selection of the new or interim Chancellor for the District. After working in Community Colleges since 1986, including at the Community College of the Air Force, in the State of Washington, and in four Districts in California for over 22 years, I look forward to sharing with current and future leaders some of my insights and lessons learned, after I spend some quality time with family and friends. My genuine appreciation to all of you.


With great sincerity and appreciation,

Paul Parnell,PhD
