Facial Covering Update March 7, 2022

Mar 10, 2022 — Facial Covering Update March 7, 2022

In my March 2, 2022 Districtwide communication, I pledged to keep you updated on Fresno and Madera County COVID-19 data and potential impact on the State Center Community College District facial covering requirements. The District has been planning for the next phase of our COVID response. Our approach is to continue to make decisions guided by expert advice. In our recent meetings with local health officials, the data has shown a steep decline in the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

As of this morning, we are now in the moderate transmission range according to the CDC and our local health departments. Therefore, if we continue on this encouraging trend for the next two weeks, the District’s Mask Requirement will change.

Once our community health indicators stay in the moderate range of transmission for two weeks, we will remove the facial covering “requirement” for both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals and move toward “highly recommend” for wearing of a facial covering by all individuals in indoor settings. This move will likely take place on Monday, March 21, 2022.

Please note: I will provide an additional update when the change in facial covering requirements will go into effect. Until then, all employees must continue to wear facial coverings in all indoor locations, except when alone in an individual office or when eating.

The Board’s vaccine mandate is still in full effect. Those individuals with health and religious exemptions will still be required to test twice each week. In addition, as we make this transition, we will continue the staggered schedules in areas that were previously approved. Please work with your administrator if you are currently on a staggered schedule.

One of the reasons we have been able to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on our college campuses, even during the Omicron variant earlier this year, is the adherence to the COVID-19 mitigation efforts and the use of universal precautions practiced by so many of you each day. Thank you for your diligence and thoughtful care for each other. Please stay healthy, our county numbers are looking better. Let’s continue to work together to do our part to stop the transmission of COVID-19.


Dr. Carole Goldsmith
