Preparing for Fall 2022 Semester

May 17, 2022

I am writing today with an update regarding our vaccine policy, COVID-19 testing requirements, staggered staff schedules, and facial coverings as we prepare for the fall semester. It is reassuring to report that the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations have stayed low.  We appreciate the efforts of our students, faculty, and staff who collectively maintained a healthy working and learning environment. We are looking towards the future and want to share with you the Districts’ plans to prepare for the Fall 22 semester. 

Continued Testing

Our SCCCD Board’s vaccine mandate is still in effect.  Moving forward, the District will continue to require twice weekly testing for all students, faculty, and staff except for those showing proof of vaccination.  Therefore, effective immediately, the additional requirement for unvaccinated individuals to seek a vaccine exemption is no longer needed. For those employees who are currently testing, the assigned days will remain the same.

We have made testing easy by providing free services on each campus. We strongly recommend that you test whenever you are experiencing symptoms, regardless of your vaccination status.  

In the coming months, the requirement of the mandate, including twice weekly testing, will be reevaluated as we continue to work with public health officials in monitoring our district and community health indicators.  Also, please continue to use the READY EDUCATION app (also known as the SCCCD Safe app) when you enter any building in the district. 

Staggered Staff Schedules Ending on July 15th

In my March 31, 2022, message regarding staggered staff schedules, the district decided to continue staggered schedules through the end of the Spring 2022 semester for those classified professionals, counselors, and other faculty in service areas previously designated to work a modified in-person service schedule. Staggered staff schedules will continue until July 15, 2022, based on manager approval.

Effective Monday, July 18, 2022, all SCCCD employees will return to “pre-pandemic” work schedules and work in-person in preparation for the fall semester.

*Faculty scheduled to teach Fall 2022 will return on August 4th for in-person Convocation/Opening Day activities.

Facial Coverings

The District will continue to support its “highly recommend” facial coverings by all individuals in indoor settings.  The only exception is in those areas where healthcare and child development services are being provided;  we will continue to require masks in our healthcare and child development service areas in the continued effort to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

It is understandable that some individuals may have health concerns about removing their facial covering. The District supports every individuals’ choice to wear or not wear a facial covering. As a community, we must continue to respect and honor the choices of all individuals who feel more comfortable wearing a mask, who may be immunocompromised, or who are taking additional steps to protect their families or others.      

The District will continue to monitor conditions, including future variants and is prepared to adjust our safety protocols as needed.  I will continue to provide you with timely updates. Thank you for your understanding, your flexibility, and the many ways you are supporting the work and wellbeing of our students and community.


Dr. Carole Goldsmith