Spring Semester Message From the Chancellor

Jan 23, 2023

New Year – A Time for Reflection

As I write this Welcome to Spring Semester 2023 message, I am mindful that the New Year is a time for reflection.  With the passing of the Winter Solstice and the advent of the new year, it is time to consider what is “lost with the frost and what is promised by spring.” (Reda Wigle) The word solstice comes from the Latin sol “sun” and sistere “to stand still.”   Loosely translated, it means “sun stand still.”  It is the longest night and marks the beginning of the astronomical winter.   Regardless if you spent the Winter Break working on projects, in quiet reflection, or busy shopping and preparing for the holidays, I hope you had a warm and restful Winter Break.   Welcome Back!

This past year has seen a tremendous effort by everyone to recover and rebound from the impact of the pandemic.  I am really proud of the work we have done collectively over these past 12 months.  I am thankful to work with many talented and dedicated faculty, staff and administrators who are committed to our continued evolution.   I am extremely grateful for the Board’s support over this past year as well.  Together we really have accomplished a lot over these past 12 months.

For me personally and professionally, these past 12 months have also been a time of great transition – I started in my new role as Chancellor, and I got married!   I have been blessed to work with so many talented and dedicated individuals.  I have listened intensely to better understand the challenges facing our students, employees, and the district as a whole.  We commissioned and completed two major reports:   The Report on the Engagement of Men and The Economic Value of State Center Community College District. These reports have given us insights on how we might be able to collectively benefit from opportunities we haven’t yet capitalized on.  Plus, these seminal pieces of research will guide our efforts to improve service delivery models to build a better institutional environment where students and employees can thrive.  We also worked together to set new bold SCCCD Board Goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for our District to measure our success.  Our College and District teams have also begun the work to better align our resource allocation model so that it better reflects the growth of our now, four-college district.  Taken together, these actions will have a positive lasting impact on our workforce and enhance the student experience.

This year, 2023, I am confident that our efforts will continue the evolution, and impactful work throughout State Center Community College District.

Looking Forward: SCCCD 2035

In the coming months we will continue to share updates on our KPIs during our Board Study Session, as well embark on a courageous conversation to create a new integrated, comprehensive plan, SCCCD 2035. This plan will become the North Star for all of our planning work In facilities and finance, recruitment and recovery and will better reflect our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access work by focusing on the triple bottom line of student success.  I am looking forward to this inclusive process that will focus our strategy into an elegant and simple transformational vision.  Our vision, strategies, values, KPIs and goals will all become part of the larger integrated plan for State Center that will include the colleges’ educational master plans and a districtwide facilities master plan.  SCCCD 2035 will serve as the blueprint for our accelerated success in building a better future, together. 

New Year Transitions

Clovis Community College President

This morning, I had the honor and privilege of administering the oath of office to Dr. Kim Armstrong, the new President of Clovis Community College. Today marks a transition time for the college. Thankfully, Dr. Lori Bennet has prepared the college well for this next new chapter.

So yesterday we said farewell to Dr. Bennett, and today we say “Welcome” to Dr. Kim Armstrong. I am confident that this next chapter in Clovis Community College will be a stellar one, one that is built on a legacy of caring and compassionate leadership.

Chief Technology Officer

Fresno City College, Vice President of Instruction, Mr. Don Lopez, will be stepping into the role of Acting Chief Technology Officer for the District.  This move will become effective Monday, January 9, 2023.  Mr. Lopez’s technology experience coupled with his dedication to students and deep understanding of the importance of technology in the delivery of our mission made him uniquely qualified to serve in this capacity during Dr. Seaberry’s absence. 

During this transitionary period, Fresno City College Vice President of Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness, Dr. Ghada Al-Masri, will serve as the primary contact for the Office of Instruction while we complete our search for an interim.  Additionally, Dr. Lataria Hall will be providing support during this transitionary time.  

President Pimentel, along with the entire FCC administrative team, will continue to work closely to provide the services and support needed as we work with an external consulting firm to secure an interim Vice President of Instruction. 

Please carry on the mission of the college and work closely with your area dean or administrator if you should have any challenges during the first few weeks of the semester. 

Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness

Dr. Jerome Countee is on leave.  As we work to secure an interim, Ms. Robin Torres, District Director of Enrollment Management, and Ms. Rozanne Hernandez, District Dean of Workforce and Adult Education, will be working together to provide support and stability of leadership during this transition. 

Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration

Finally, Wil Schofield, will continue in the role of Acting Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, while Cheryl Sullivan remains out on leave.  Wil has shown his dedication to the colleges and value as an agile leader.  In the last several months, Wil has taken on supervision of the Division and has begun the review process to spark an evolution of the resource allocation model so that it better reflects the growth of our now, four-college district.  He is well-equipped to help the colleges of the district through the Spring Semester.

Closing Comments

I know you will all do your part in supporting our colleagues as they continue working with you and for the good of the colleges of State Center.  I am proud of everything we have accomplished over my tenure at State Center, and I am confident that the Colleges are positioned well to continue the recovery efforts that are gaining momentum.  That work can only be done together. 

I am grateful that you are here reading this message and I am grateful for your service in the advancement of our mission to transform lives through education.  Each time I visit with you at the colleges, I can see the love you have for our students and that is powerful, especially in these divisive times.  Your work as a community of educators and learners, to use your individual and collective positions of influence, power, and privilege to foster a community of belonging, affirmation and validation is profound. Please continue that legacy of grace, care and love that are hallmarks of our colleges…and so needed by our students.

I am grateful for each of you and to the Board of Trustees for the opportunity to lead this extraordinary district and for your support through my first year as your Chancellor.

I am confident that more good things lay ahead in the next chapter of our history. Wishing you all a productive and phenomenal Spring Semester!

With gratitude,

Dr. Carole Goldsmith
