Your Tax Bill
Every October, residents of Fresno, Madera, Kings, and Tulare counties receive their annual property tax bill. You might have noticed there are several lines related to State Center Community College District’s facility bonds.
Why so many? It’s simple: over time, voters have approved local facility bonds to expand, maintain, and modernize facilities at our colleges. SCCCD has also issued multiple bond series and has refinanced those bonds to lower interest rates to save taxpayers money. Each line on your bill represents a sale or refinance of SCCCD bond series.
SCCCD has 7 lines on your 2023 tax bill related to facility bonds.
When voters approve a local school bond, like they did for State Center in 2002 and 2016, they grant SCCCD approval to sell facility bonds to investors and generate money for facility projects. Approved bonds are sold in series as funds are needed to complete facility projects, just as you would with a home equity line of credit. Sometimes, when interest rates drop, it makes sense to refinance these series to reduce the cost of repayment by local taxpayers and maximize the benefit to your local schools. Each time a series is sold or refinanced to help maintain the existing tax rate, a new line item is added to your property tax bill.
The current tax rate for property owners in SCCCD is $0.0209 per $100 of assessed (not market) property value.
No matter how many lines are on your tax bill, they add up to an amount equivalent to
$0.0209 per $100 of assessed value on your property. Despite serving four counties (Fresno, Madera, Tulare, and Kings), SCCCD boasts among the lowest property tax rates when compared to other districts, including Fresno, Clovis and Madera Unified School Districts.