PT Faculty Health Insurance Pilot Program

About the Pilot Program

Effective October 1, 2024 and continuing until September 30, 2026, State Center Community College District (SCCCD) will offer a health insurance pilot program for eligible part-time faculty members. Please review the MOU pertaining to the Part-Time Faculty Health Insurance Pilot Program.

To be eligible for this program, the following criteria has to be met:

  • Part-time faculty member will have a 50% of a full-time faculty* assigned load or higher for the Fall semester; AND
    • 50% of a full-time faculty assigned load or higher for the Spring semester; OR
    • 50% average of a full-time assigned load or higher for the Fall and Spring semesters combined.

*50% of a full-time faculty assigned load is equivalent to the following: Instructional - 7.5 FTEs; Non-Instructional - 17.5 hours

Special Open Enrollment Period from March 3, 2025 through March 14, 2025 for all eligible part-time faculty employees

We are pleased to announce effective April 1, 2025, a Kaiser Permanente Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) medical plan will be available to employees currently eligible for the Part-Time Faculty Health Insurance Pilot Program. This plan is in addition to the current Kaiser HMO medical plan offerings. Please refer to the section title "Health Plan Offerings" for information about all the plan options.

Due to this new PPO medical plan offering, a special open enrollment period will be held from March 3, 2025 through March 14, 2025 for all current eligible part-time employees to make changes to their current enrollment in BenefitBridge.

Changes include:

  • Switching medical plans
  • Electing a medical plan if you previously waived coverage
  • Electing to waive coverage if you previously elected a medical plan (must submit proof of other health insurance coverage, please see "Waiving Coverage" section below)
  • Adding/removing an eligible dependent from the coverage

If you wish to make enrollment changes, please complete the enrollment in BenefitBridge during the special open enrollment period. You can access BenefitBridge through your MyPortal apps catalog.

If you do not make any changes during this special open enrollment period, you will stay your current elections.

Changes that are made during this special open enrollment period will be effective April 1, 2025.

Waiving Coverage

At time of enrollment, eligible employees can elect to waive coverage and not enroll in a medical plan. To do this, the employee is required to elect "Waive Coverage" in BenefitBridge and upload the supporting documentation - proof of other medical insurance coverage along with the effective dates of that coverage.

Proof of other medical insurance coverage must be one of the following:

  • A copy of your medical insurance card verifying you are covered and the duration/effective dates of that coverage, OR,
  • A letter from your spouse's/registered domestic partner's employer or covered person's employer or health plan verifying you are covered as a subscriber or dependent under the medical coverage and the duration/effective dates of that coverage.

If you are on a medical insurance plan offered through another employer, a spouse/registered domestic partner, or Covered California, please contact that agency to determine if there is anything you may need to do now that you are being offered group medical insurance through your employer, State Center Community College District.


BenefitBridge is the District's online benefit administration system. Eligible employees will make all plan elections/changes in BenefitBridge. Eligible employees can access BenefitBridge through the MyPortal apps catalog.

Eligible employees who enrolled on a health plan can access plan benefit summaries, evidence of coverage documents, and other plan resources by accessing the Resource Center in BenefitBridge. From the Resource Center, click on Benefit Information.

Should you need technical support with BenefitBridge, please contact BenefitBridge Customer Care at 800-814-1862 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, PST or email

Health Plan Offerings

Effective April 1, 2025, SCCCD offers four (4) medical plan options for eligible part-time faculty eligible members - Kaiser Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan, Kaiser Permanente High Traditional HMO plan, Kaiser Permanente Low Deductible HMO plan and Kaiser High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) HSA compatible.

Premium Cost

The District and employees share in the cost of the health insurance coverage. The district contribution toward the medical insurance plans monthly premiums is specified in the Part-Time Faculty Health Insurance Pilot Program MOU and is currently $1,250 per month per eligible employee. The part-time unit member will pay the difference between the district contribution and the cost of any premium in excess of the District contribution for the medical plan selected.

Below you will find the monthly premium amounts:

  • Kaiser PPO Medical Plan - Employee contribution per month is $858.21
  • Kaiser High HMO Medical Plan - Employee contribution per month is $426.28
  • Kaiser Low DHMO Medical Plan - Employee contribution per month is $123.82
  • Kaiser High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP - HSA compatible) - Employee contribution per month is $0

There is no additional cost to enroll eligible dependents and employees may elect to pre-tax their medical plan deductions under Section 125.

Medical Plans

The Kaiser Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan features both coinsurance and an annual deductible.

This plan provides access to a dedicated network of providers, hospitals, and medical facilities. It utilizes the PHCS Network for KPIC and the Cigna PPO Network, giving you flexibility in your healthcare choices. Unlike some plans, you’re not required to select a primary care doctor, and you can visit specialists without needing a referral.

When you choose in-network providers, most preventive care services are fully covered, with no cost or copay. Other covered services will be subject to the deductible and coinsurance.

The Kaiser Permanente HMO high plan is considered a traditional plan. There is no annual deductible or co-insurance.

Kaiser has its own network of providers, hospitals and medical facilities. Members must receive care from a Kaiser facility and provider. There are no out of network benefits unless the member has been provided authorization to obtain care outside of the Kaiser HMO network.

Kaiser offers telemedicine services, health and wellness classes, and a weight management program.

This plan will coordinate with other Kaiser HMO plans.

The Kaiser DHMO low plan is considered a deductible plan. There is an annual deductible for benefits and services in relation to the hospital (lab tests, emergency room, urgent care, etc.).

Kaiser has its own network of providers, hospitals and medical facilities. Members must receive care from a Kaiser facility and provider. There are no out of network benefits unless the member has been provided authorization to obtain care outside of the Kaiser HMO network.

Kaiser offers telemedicine services, health and wellness classes, and a weight management program.

The Kaiser High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) is considered a high deductible plan and is HSA compatible. There is an annual deductible for benefits and services.

Kaiser has its own network of providers, hospitals and medical facilities. Members must receive care from a Kaiser facility and provider. There are no out of network benefits unless the member has been provided authorization to obtain care outside of the Kaiser HMO network.

Kaiser offers telemedicine services, health and wellness classes, and a weight management program.

Dependent Eligibility

Eligible dependents can be enrolled onto the health plans within 31-days from date of initial eligibility, 31-days from qualifying event date (including event date), and/or during the annual open enrollment period.

The following supporting dependent eligibility documents are required and must be uploaded into BenefitBridge at time of enrollment (for each dependent, all documents listed must be submitted)

  • Spouse:
    • Copy of Prior Year's Federal Tax Form that shows the couple was married, with financial information redacted, 
    • Copy of the legal certified marriage certificate, AND
    • Copy of the spouse’s social security card.
  • Registered Domestic Partner (RDP):
    • Copy of the Certificate or Registered Domestic Partnership issued by State of California, AND
    • RDP’s social security card.
  • Biological Child(ren) up to age 26:
    • Copy of legal certified birth certificate(s), AND
    • Copy of the child’s social security card.
  • Stepchild(ren) up to age 26:
    • Copy of legal certified birth certificate(s) naming the current legally, married spouse or RDP as the child’s biological parent, AND
    • Copy of the child’s social security card.
  • Adopted Child(ren) up to age 26:
    • Copy of the legal birth certificate(s), 
    • Copy of the legal adoption documentation, AND
    • Copy of the child’s social security card.
  • Legal guardianship of a child(ren) up to age 18:
    • Copy of legal certified birth certificate(s), 
    • Copy of legal US Court documentation establishing guardianship, AND
    • Copy of the child’s social security card.



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