Evacuation of Disabled

In the event of an emergency, occupants of wheelchairs, and other disabled persons should observe the following evacuation procedures:

  1. All persons shall move toward the nearest marked exit. As a first choice, the wheelchair occupant or person with mobility impairment may use the building elevators. However, elevators should never be used in the event of fire or earthquake.
  2. As a second choice, when a wheel chair occupant or other person with mobility impairment reaches an obstruction, such as a staircase, he or she should request assistance from others in the area.
  3. It is suggested that the wheelchair occupant or person with mobility impairment prepare for emergency ahead of time by instructing a classmate or professor on how to assist him or her in the event of an emergency.
  4. If assistance is not immediately available, the wheel chair occupant or person with mobility impairment should stay in the exit corridor or in a stairway or landing. He or she should continue to call for help until rescued. Persons who cannot speak loudly should carry a whistle or have other means of attracting the attention of others. Rescue personnel, fire and police, will check all exit corridors and exit stairwells for trapped persons.
  5. All disabled faculty, staff and students are encouraged to file an emergency status card with the District Police Department.