Center for Agriculture & Technology (CAT)
Architect: Teter Architects
Contractor: BMY Construction Group, Inc.
In October 2018, SCCCD broke ground on the Center for Agriculture and Technology (CAT) at Madera Community College Center, now known as Madera Community College. The new building will provide additional laboratory and classroom space to benefit existing and new vocational training programs.
The building is approximately 10,000 s.f. and will house general educational classrooms, a plant science lab, faculty offices, and shops for agricultural mechanics, welding, and industrial maintenance.
Project Status
Construction is complete. A formal ribbon cutting ceremony occurred on January 9th, 2020. Faculty and students are eager to start using this new facility.
Project: CAM Expansion
Project: CAM Expansion
Date: April 25th 2018
Purpose of Meeting: Owner Meeting and Follow-Up Items.
Date Posted: 06/26/2018