Project Status


Completed on Schedule
(will not be shown on future Bond Oversight Committee Status Reports)

Project Title: FCC Local Area Network/Wide Area Network - Phase IV (Phases IV-A, IV-B, IV-C)
Funding Source: Measure E

Project Description: Phases I, II and III have provided fiber optic links to all buildings and to computer stations at the Library, Math Science Building, and Student Services Building. Phase IV-A provides connectivity to all classroom and faculty/student computer stations for the rest of the campus. Due to the complexity and size of Phase IV, and to minimize disruption to instruction, it has been developed into multiple bid packages for cross-connect rooms, and interior and exterior cabling. Phase IV-B is to purchase hardware to equip the cross-connect rooms. Phase IV-C is to provide a back-up generator for the District Office. The next phase will include connection of facilities east of the railroad and across Blackstone Blvd. to Clark Street and a back-up generator for Fresno City College.

Anticipated Completion Date: Phases IV-A, IV-B, IV-C completed on schedule

Status: Design is in progress on the future phases.
Estimated Project Budget: Prepared by Arrigoni & Associates

Funding Source: Measure E – LAN / WAN – (Phase IV-A, IV-B, IV-C)

Funding Breakdown as of 11/04/2005
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encum-brances Total Expenditures
Design Services 199,281 158,568 40,713 40,713 0 199,281
Consultant Services  0 0 0 0 0 0
Fees & Other Charges 16,912 16,912 0 0 0 16,912
Construction & Equipment 1,961,247 1,884,452 76,795 73,497 0 1,957,949
Inspection & Testing 79,440 67,300 12,140 12,140 0 79,440
Total 2,256,880 2,127,232 129,648 126,350 0 2,253,582

Project Title: FCC Local Area Network/Wide Area Network - Phase IV (Phases IV-A, IV-B, IV-C)
Funding Source: Measure E

Project Description: Phases I, II and III have provided fiber optic links to all buildings and to computer stations at the Library, Math Science Building, and Student Services Building. Phase IV-A provides connectivity to all classroom and faculty/student computer stations for the rest of the campus. Due to the complexity and size of Phase IV, and to minimize disruption to instruction, it has been developed into multiple bid packages for cross-connect rooms, and interior and exterior cabling. Phase IV-B is to purchase hardware to equip the cross-connect rooms. Phase IV-C is to provide a back-up generator for the District Office. The next phase will include connection of facilities east of the railroad and across Blackstone Blvd. to Clark Street and a back-up generator for Fresno City College.

Anticipated Completion Date: Phases IV-A, IV-B, IV-C completed on schedule

Status: Design is in progress on the future phases.

Estimated Project Budget: Prepared by Arrigoni & Associates

Funding Source: Measure E – LAN / WAN – (Phase IV-A, IV-B, IV-C)

Funding Breakdown as of 05/01/2006
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encum-brances Total Expenditures
Design Services 199,281 158,568 40,713 40,713 0 199,281
Consultant Services  0  0 0 0 0 0
Fees & Other Charges 16,912 16,912 0 0 0 16,912
Construction & Equipment 1,961,247 1,884,452 76,795 73,497 0 1,957,949
Inspection & Testing 79,440 67,300 12,140 12,140 0 79,440
Total 2,256,880 2,127,232 129,648 126,350 0 2,253,582

Phases IV-A, IV-B, and IV-C are completed. Design is in progress on the future phases .

Funding Source: Measure E – LAN / WAN – (Phase IV-A, IV-B, IV-C)

Funding Breakdown as of 01/24/2006
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encum-brances Total Expenditures
Design Services 199,281 158,568 40,713 33,813 6,900 192,381
Consultant Services  0 0 0 0 0 0
Fees & Other Charges 16,912 16,912 0 0 0 16,912
Construction & Equipment 1,962,831 1,884,452 78,379 -9,529 87,908 1,874,923
Inspection & Testing 77,856 67,300 10,556 10,556 0 77,856
Total 2,256,880 2,127,232 129,648 34,840 94,808 2,162,072

Funding Source: Measure E

Project Description: Phases I, II and III have provided fiber optic links to all buildings and to computer stations at the Library, Math Science Building, and Student Services Building. Phase IV-A provides connectivity to all classroom and faculty/student computer stations for the rest of the campus. Due to the complexity and size of Phase IV, and to minimize disruption to instruction, it has been developed into multiple bid packages for cross-connect rooms, and interior and exterior cabling. Phase IV-B is to purchase hardware to equip the cross-connect rooms. Phase IV-C is to provide a back-up generator for the District Office. The next phase will include connection of facilities east of the railroad and east of Blackstone Blvd. and a back-up generator for Fresno City College.

Anticipated Completion Date: Phases IV-B and IV-C are completed, Phase IV-A Fall 2005

Status: The cross-connect room construction/modernization, the cabling within the buildings, and the installation of the equipment for the cross-connect rooms and the Fresno City College distribution room are complete. Phases IV-A and IV-B were accepted at the September 6, 2005 Board Meeting. Design is in progress on the future phases.

Estimated Project Budget: Prepared by Arrigoni & Associates

Funding Source: Measure E – LAN / WAN - Phase IV (A)
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encum-brances Total Expenditures
Design Services 309,341 137,038 172,303 410 0 137,448
Consultant Services 49,673 0 49,673 0 0 0
Fees & Other Charges 13,593 3,981 9,612 0 0 3,981
Construction & Equipment 1,716,464 1,032,651 683,813 192,168 0 1,224,819
Inspection & Testing 115,892 67,300 48,592 10,316 0 77,616
Total 2,204,963 1,240,970 963,993 202,894 0 1,443,864
Funding Source: Measure E – LAN / WAN - Phase IV (B)
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encum-brances Total Expenditures
Design Services 0 0 0 0 0 0
Consultant Services 20,700 20,700 0 0 0 20,700
Fees & Other Charges 46,027 46,027 0 0 0 46,027
Construction & Equipment 509,000 509,000 0 0 0 509,000
Inspection & Testing 0 0 48,592 0 0 0
Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 575,727 575,727 0 0 0 575,727
Funding Source: Measure E – LAN / WAN - Phase IV (C)
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encum-brances Total Expenditures
Design Services 9,570 9,570 0 0 0 9,570
Consultant Services 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fees & Other Charges 2,371 2,371 0 0 0 2,371
Construction & Equipment 95,700 95,700 0 0 0 95,700
Inspection & Testing 0 0 0 0 0 0
Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 107,641 107,641 0 0 0 107,641
Funding Source: Measure E – LAN / WAN - Phase IV (D)
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encum-brances Total Expenditures
Design Services 84,358 0 84,358 0 0 0
Consultant Services 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fees & Other Charges 11,250 0 11,250 0 0 0
Construction & Equipment 843,575 0 843,575 0 0 0
Inspection & Testing 40,000 0 40,000 0 0 0
Contingency 42,179 0 42,179 0 0 0
Total 1,021,361 0 1,021,361 0 0 0

The cross-connect room construction/modernization is complete. The cabling portion of the work within the buildings is 60% complete. Equipment for the cross-connect rooms has been received and is being racked for installation at the Fresno City College distribution room. Design is in progress on the future phases.

The Board of Trustees at its September 3rd meeting selected and authorized the administration to enter into an agreement with Arrigoni and Associates, Inc. as the project engineer for this phase. The project is currently under design and is planned to be bid in March for an award at the April Board meeting.