SCCCD police SUV

Traffic and Parking Policy

Parking Permits

Students who choose to use on-campus parking facilities must purchase a college or SCCCD parking permit. SCCCD parking permits may be used at all SCCCD campuses. Enforcement for parking permits will begin the first day of class.

Daily permits may be purchased at walk-up and drive-thru dispensers and may be used to park in any stall with the exception of staff or parking meters; metered parking is also available.

Permits must be visible at all times. Handicapped parking requires a DMV Disabled Person/Disabled Veteran Placard and/or plate, and a valid parking permit or daily parking permit is required. Visitors with handicapped placards can park in the meters located throughout the campus as identified in the use section of their placard.

Parking and Traffic Policy

Students are requested to observe parking regulations with regard to red no-parking zones, private driveways, double parking, handicapped zones, restricted lots, etc., and are reminded that parking in these areas could result in a citation or the vehicle being towed away at the student’s expense.

Students may contest a citation if they feel they have been wrongfully issued a ticket.

Policy Governing Operations of Motor Vehicles on College Campuses

Campus Maps