Step 8: What's Next?

Now that you are registered, the most important factor to ensure you continue on the path to student success is follow-up with the services available to you on-campus . Every SCCCD college offers support services to guide and assist you reach your educational goal(s). Below are some recommendations and student services you will likely need to be successful student.

  1. Pay fees through Self-Service, by calling (559) 489-2234, or in person at the college you plan on attending.
  2. Meet with a counselor to complete a comprehensive Student Education Plan (SEP-C) to ensure you know all of the courses you need to complete to attain your educational goal(s).
  3. Access Tutorial Services and Special Instructional centers (i.e., Writing center, Math Center, etc.)
  4. Participate in Associated Student Government.
  5. Apply for and utilize special programs like EOP&S, CalWorks, Student Support Services, Disabled Students Programs and Services, etc. which are designed to support students and provide additional resources to assist student be academic successful.