Construction Services & Facilities Planning
Purpose and Mission
The Construction Services Department of State Center Community College District (SCCCD) coordinates and implements all major construction and renovation projects throughout the District. The department is responsible for SCCCD's Capital Improvement Program and serves as a District-wide resource for capital planning and development.

If you require an accommodation for any of the content on this site, please contact Kiesha Oliver at 559-243-7182.
Campus Impacts & Construction Updates:
District Office
The G Sign was removed in February 2024. A replacement G Sign is scheduled to be installed by the summer of 2025.
An elevator replacement project is currently in the planning stages.
Fresno City College
New Science Building: Ribbon cutting scheduled for March 28 at 10AM. Please RSVP.
Blackstone & Weldon Avenue improvements are close to complete.
Future Projects: Elevator Upgrades, City of Fresno Regional Training Facility at First Responders Campus, Replace Gym Boilers, and Reroof of Health Sciences.
Reedley College
McClarty Center for Fine & Performing Arts: A ribbon cutting was held November 19, 2024.
Softball field upgrades are nearly complete. New auto lifts have been installed.
Future Projects: Track replacement, demolition of old Dental Building, and reroof of the Library.
Clovis Community College
Applied Technology Building (AC3): Ribbon cutting occurred on October 9, 2024.
Future projects: A new Sports Complex (construction in 2025), fiber replacement, and Health & Psychological Services remodel.
Madera Community College
Madera Community College at Oakhurst: Groundbreaking occurred on October 4, 2024.
The Multi-Cultural Center and replacement of Child Development Center is complete.
Future Projects: Replacement of HVAC on Administration Building and TM11 and New Truck Driving Facilities.
General Information
CEQA Documents for FCC Softball Field
- Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the FCC Softball Field (PDF)
- Mitigated Negative Declaration for FCC Softball Field (PDF)
- CEQA Initial Study for FCC Softball Field (PDF, 9MB)
- Appendices & All documents at California State's CEQA Net
- Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for FCC Softball Field (PDF)

With work varying from remodeling existing buildings to constructing new facilities to meet the growing needs of our students, the Construction Services Department manages large and small capital improvement projects by:
- Working with the Operations team to plan and implement Scheduled Maintenance Projects
- Estimating project costs
- Developing and evaluating facilities needs
- Managing the facilities design and construction process
- Overseeing contractors and quality control in the field
- Providing in-house design and technical support for smaller projects
- Maintaining project budgets
- Managing all aspects of construction including design, bid process, scope, budget and scheduling
Web Cams
We are excited to share progress on our bond projects via live or time-lapsed video! You can view the videos by clicking on the provided buttons:

Vice Chancellor, Operations: Christine Miktarian
District Directors of Facilities Planning: Shannon Robertson & Jake Bergen
Phone #: 559-243-7200
Bond Measures

Measure C - In June 2016 Valley voters approved Measure C, State Center Community College's capital improvement bond.
Measure Q - In November 2024 Valley voters approved Measure Q, State Center Community College's capital improvement bond.
Bond Oversight Committee - Under the provisions of California Proposition 39, the Measure C and Measure Q Oversight Committee is charged with informing the public concerning the District's expenditure of bond proceeds, reviewing bond expenditures, and providing an annual report to the State Center Community College Board of Trustees.
California Uniform Public Construction Cost Account Act (CUPCCAA)
Search for Bids
Purchasing Department
Future First Responders Site: Drone Footage of Construction July 2022